Got a lot of stuff moved along enough to get some photos. I've also included a few that are just starting the trip, but thought you'd enjoy seeing them "before" and after :)
The Vulcan is probably my favorite for this week, but I'm really liking how the N7 Maverick is coming along. That should be done soon. Expect more photos soon, I kept a lot of stuff secret for now...ooh mysterious, right?
Have a great weekend and we'll meet back here soon!
Ok, with all the lip flapping out of the way, on to the photozzzz sorry some might be the dreaded iP4 versions, now in "Low-Rez w/ bad color correction!" :)
HALO Themed Vulcan is finally all done. Adding the dust and dirt was nerve-wracking :)
Another one of the tiny cap guns. Very cute little thing! Steampunk Baby? Hmm..
Your basic oddly-green pistol
Standard issue Maverick ready for steampunk embellishments
One of my little squirt guns. I was testing out the water-slide decals made by Chris over at Check out his awesome Fallout props!
I think this one is Mars themed? I made it to test out doing chipping and ended up liking the different color scheme. This was kina what started all the red I bought a lot of red paint. Waste not-want not! :)
The Vid-Phôn from the movie Blade Runner in a custom color scheme
Retro Mass Effect Maverick. Just for fun and still in progress
Yep, had to make some kinda Mass Effect themed Scout too
Going for a kinda "Covenant" coloration on this one. the perp color is a bit off in this photo
Just a simple brass squirtgun. I really like these for some reason..
All I can tell you is that I work long hours...and I've wanted to paint one since last year :)
Blue Halo-themed Scout with a lot of subtle color changes and whatnots..yes, I want the decal a bit (read: a lot) smaller, but the vinyl is very tough to separate when the pieces are any smaller
Ok, my clicky finger is tired. Hope you enjoyed the pics and if you like this stuff, please tell a friend. Or an enemy BEFORE you hit em. Please and Thanks! ;)
(you can find the bigger pictures on my main blog: